Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Return To The "New Normal" - Oh, And Steroids...

Yesterday, we started back with the first "New Normal" week in over a month. We had a Chemo appointment in the morning (ANC = 1,100 - right on target), where he received his Vincristine, and we got the go-ahead for Steroids, and full dose Methotrexate and Mercaptapurine.

The afternoon brought school - a great day to be sure!

After school, I went to pick up my new glasses, and realized at 4:30, that we were out of Prednisone, the steroid Alex was due to start at 6:30pm - ACK~!~

I hastily called Eric, and put him on the case to get the prescription transferred from Doerenbecher to the Walgreens down the street. Of course, with it being a Monday, both pharmacies were absolutely overloaded with customers, and we didn't even get confirmation that the prescription had been transferred until 6pm.

After a fabulous Salmon dinner prepared by Eric, I rushed down to the pharmacy, and retrieved the dreaded steroids. When I say dreaded, I don't mean by Alex - he is taking *all* his medicine like a champ with the applesauce - such a difference from a year ago! I mean, dreaded by me and Eric. The personality changes are quite dramatic - and not in a good way...

It is only 5 days - we can get through it - right?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I'm convienced that you and your family can get through anything!
