Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Update on Alex

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday, Alex had a Clinic appointment to see if his counts have come up yet. For the 4th week, with no Chemo - they have still not recovered. The doctors are giving it another week, and if his blood counts don't come up, they will be doing a bone marrow aspiration to see if the cancer has spread to his bone marrow, which would in a sense, be a whole new cancer - Leukemia.

I keep holding onto the hope that since they didn't order the test immediately, that it is just a precaution, and that Alex's body is just taking it's own sweet time to regenerate the blood cells. He has had great energy, despite his low counts, and we are hoping that points away from Leukemia.

So, I'm really not up to talking about it much, since we don't really know anything - we are just in limbo this week...We haven't talked to Alex about it, since we don't have any concrete information.

Thanks for all your support of my amazing boy this year. I hope to have good news to share next week...

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