Monday, August 17, 2009

Blood Counts and Donation

Today, we had a really short appointment. The nurses checked Alex's Complete Blood Count (CBC), and he is right where he should be (ANC between 750 and 1500). With an ANC of 1000, they don't need to adjust any medication doses, and we don't go back in until August 31st for IV Chemo. His Red Blood Counts and his Hemoglobin were low, but still acceptable.

While Alex's red blood counts were "good", they are a lot lower than say me or Eric. That is to say until this evening, when we both donated blood. Now that I am a pint low, my counts would still be higher than his, and I am WIPED OUT!

We brought the children with us to the blood drive. And it sure felt good to thank people in person for donating blood. Alex watched as they put the needle in Eric's arm, and reassured him that he was doing a great job. I don't know many 4 year old children who could do that.

If you have never given blood, or it has been a while since your last donation, I encourage you to donate. Modern medicine cannot produce blood products to sustain life (although they are trying). The only way that Alex and anyone else who needs a transfusion will get it is through the volunteer donations - one pint at a time. Just one pint can save up to 3 lives. Please click HERE to find a donation location in your area.


  1. That's great news on his counts!

    I saw a blood drive last Saturday and thought about stopping by, but I forgot I had the boys with me, and Rob was at school. So I will try and do it soon (if my iron levels are OK).

    Maybe if Alex is up to it, we can play on Wednesday?

  2. Yay! That's great news!

    I have never donated blood in the past, but as soon as Annika is weaned I will go for it (there's mixed info on donating blood while breastfeeding). You've given me the best reason to get over my fear of needles. :)
