Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Steroid Week - Ugh

We have already gone from happy, to rage, to giggly, to sad, to angry, to thoughtful, to happy, to rage...etc. You get the point. 1 day down 4 to go.


  1. Stay strong, momma! Try to envision the havoc this is wreaking on those last, lingering cancer cells. They are getting smaller and weaker, while your beautiful boy grows stronger and healthier (along with the TEMPORARY anger, sadness, and rage). Love you guys! xoxo

  2. I would just like to give me prayers to you, Alex and your family! You do not know me but I work for the American Red Cross National Testing Laboratory (we test all of the blood donations on the West Coast) I recently had a blood drive here for our employees and recieved Thanks with this story of Alex. I just want to say stay strong and we will keep doing our part to help your little man. Give him a big high five from us here at the Red Cross your doing great!!

  3. So far have you had any feedback from the teachers during steriod week? I am assuming it is too soon in the school year but I was just curious how they might handle the swings; if they have suggestions to help you through it could be beneficial for all of you.
    Also, the loving boy is still inside just being side tracked.
    Love you guys.
