Friday, October 30, 2009

A Pile Of Candy & Giggles

I went downstairs here at the hospital to get something to eat. The whole lobby is full of trick-or-treater's, and hospital workers dressed up in costumes. It broke my heart that Alex couldn't participate, due to his low counts (he is quarantined in his room).

A few minutes after I returned to the room, a ChildLife specialist came in with a huge bag of candy and toys for Alex. A little bit later, Candlelighters brought MORE toys, candy, and cookies on a stick.

Alex is currently sitting in a pile of candy and toys on his bed, and playing with a "sticky hand" with Eric (it keeps getting stuck to the ceiling - hmmmm...I wonder how that happened?). Alex and Eric are giggling away, having some fun and normalcy.

Alex is so resilient - I learn so much from him every day!

1 comment:

  1. I had tears in my eyes when I found out Alex is quarantined on his make a wish trip! :( I'm so sorry. I am glad to hear he is full of giggles, at least, and that your trip has been extended. Will he get to go trick-or-treating?

    Sending you all my love and loads of strength across the miles. Erik says "Hi" to Alex, and that he has a special present for him (Opa made periscopes for Erik, Lukas, and Alex). Hope his counts continue to climb!

