Saturday, February 6, 2010

Quarantined & Bad Dreams

The doctors took some chest X-rays last night. Alex has a cough, and it is getting a bit more pronounced as we have been going through the night. I believe the doctors said his X-rays were clear, but it was almost one in the morning when we finally got to our room, so I could be remembering wrong. I'll get clarification this morning, during rounds.

The nurse did a nose swab to check for flu. Alex was brave, but it hurt, and he cried. My heart, as broken as it already is, cracked a little deeper with those tears.

We started to battle about his bed adjustments (head/feet, up/down) -and then I realized that he was just trying to gain some little piece of control of his situation. I told him - "you adjust the bed any way you want, honey". It seems to be adjusted just as it was when he was first admitted back in November 2008...but this early in the morning, I could be hallucinating too.

The doctor last night told us that because they did the nose swab, *both* of us are quarantined to his room. If I leave his room, I have to leave the hospital - I can't even go to the cafeteria, or even the family kitchen here on the ward. Room 14 of 10 South is our new home for the next few days. When Eric comes today, he'll be quarantined in here too, until the lab results come back on the flu. I personally don't think it's the flu, but then again, I don't have an MD - so we'll see.

I'm now stuffy, and getting a cough too. The two of us are quite the pair this morning.

Alex is on fluids, and didn't go to sleep until almost 2am. That spelled bathroom accident at 3am...I'm glad I remembered extra underwear and pj's in my distraught packing last night.

Every time he moaned, or mumbled in his sleep, I was awake at his side. Since this happened a lot, I am quite sleepy this morning. Sleep deprivation plus a hospital room equals bad dreams for mommy. I'm sitting here, well aware that it was just a dream, but the ugliness of that dream is still oozing off my exhausted ego. I tried to write the dream down, and the details are fading faster than I can type - although the emotions are still strong.

Alex woke up at his normal time, and is now watching the first of what is promising to be WAY to much TV this weekend. At least it's the Penguins of Madagascar - I need a laugh myself...

1 comment:

  1. Sara...
    Just thinking of you every moment right now.... wishing so much there were more we could do. Just know you are in my every thought and we love you guys very much...
