Sunday, June 12, 2011


We got a call from the bone marrow transplant coordinator late Friday. She wanted to let us know that she has found two PERFECT matches for Alex, and has 3 more potentials.

This is huge.
This IS Huge.

Some people only have a partial match, and some have no good matches at all.

Now, we will talk with the doctors about when to do the actual transplant. Everything is so fluid right now. Alex has been waiting for camping season all year, and now we have to put all plans on hold until we know how this is all going to play out.

So, we wait again. We wait to talk with the doctors, and we wait to discover how our summer will unfold.

I don't know how much more my heart and head can take of this.


  1. You WILL make it through this! The fact that he has several match options for the transplant IS huge! It's wonderful. I saw something recently that said so many people can't find a match. So this is amazing news for Alex. I can only imagine how hard this is for all of you, but I know you have the strength to keep pulling through for your son...and those of us who love you will help hold you up and lend you our strength when you feel your reserves are running low. Much love!! xo

  2. Finding so many matches is definitely HUGE! All of my good thoughts are going out to you and Alex, as they have since the beginning!

  3. This is wonderful news, Cousin! Hugs!

  4. THIS is WONDERFUL news!!! Prayers are still surrounding all of you.

  5. My thoughts are with you!!! So many potential matches!!! Yeah camping, Yeah camping.
    We love you Alex!!!

  6. I cannot even imagine how tough this all is for you, but what a blessing to get news like this!
