Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Moment to Reflect

I know Alex is where he needs to be - under the care of the great Oncology team at Doerenbecher. I know that his body is trying desperately to fight off a virus, and ward off a "civil war" with the "good" bacteria in his body. I know that he will make it through this, and that our family will make it through this.

But in the moment, it sure is hard. To feel our son's body just burning up, and there isn't a single thing we can do ourselves to help him... To know that this war raging in his body is scheduled to continue for another 20 months... To know that this fever is pushing back the start of his next round of Chemo... To know all these things, and feel powerless to do anything about it, is like living in suspended animation.

I know I have said of Eric and myself: "Only one of us has to be strong at a time". But that strength is taxing. That strength is overwhelming at times.

Eric and I are doing good - our family unit is strong. We both draw from that strength, and then add the love and support from all our friends and family members to make it through the day.

Who knows, without just one of you, we might not be able to continue to give Alex the strength and support he needs to win this battle. Thank you all for everything you do for us - just knowing you all are out there helps us distribute this huge weight, and keeps it from crushing us and our spirit.

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