Friday, October 2, 2009

A Crazy Day In Alex's House

Tomorrow is the last dose of steroids for the month. I can't wait.

Today was so hard. In the morning, Alex was just all over the place. He was happy, sad, mad, angry, hurt, playful, sincere, selfish, joyful, loving, distraught, delighted - all in the span of a few hours. I did my best to juggle his emotional turmoil, while his younger sister fed off of the emotions, and was a wreck herself!

Alex wanted to go to OMSI. In his state, there was no way I was going to take him and Tessa-Lynn there by myself. He lost it - crying, hysterics, pouting, you get the picture.

After a bunch of deep breaths, and after giving myself a 5 minute timeout away from the kids (Eric worked from home today, and watched them for me). I was able to hold back my tears, and proceed with my plan of distraction.

I told Alex that we would go to the store to get gingerbread cookie mix, and then come home, and make Halloween decorations and make the cookies.

It worked for a while - Alex and I happily cut up paper and taped googly eyes and pipe-cleaner, donning the house in festive "boo" fashion, while Tessa took her nap.

After cooking the gingerbread men, Eric took Alex to the store. When they returned with dinner, Alex stated he needed Zofran. We obliged, and noticed Alex took a total of two bites of his dinner. A few minutes later, he was sitting on Eric's lap, and fell asleep. We gave him a 1/2 hour nap, and when he woke up he started running to the bathroom. He was in and out of there at least 10 times before bed. He didn't resist his medicine, and went to bed easily. A few minutes later, Eric heard Alex calling for me. Eric walked in and rocked with him for a few minutes. Alex was complaining that his tummy hurt (we think it's his lower intestines/bowels). We are keeping our ears open for him, and hope that he can get a good night sleep.

Since this cycle will repeat the week we go to Disney World for our Make-A-Wish, we have a call into his Oncologist to see if they have any stronger nausea/digestion medication we can give him so he is comfortable during his Wish. I'll let you know what I find out as soon as I know.

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