Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chemo Appointment

Yesterday, Alex had his regular monthly Chemo appointment. He did great, as always *smile*.

His counts were another story. His ANC was only 600 - gulp. That means that if he gets a fever, we have a very good chance of landing in the hospital.

The doctor told me it was my call whether to even bring Alex to school. What seems like an easy choice, "don't bring him" - gets more complicated when you realize that this is the last week of school before a two week break, and that he was already out of school for almost 4 weeks last month.

So, Eric and I decided that Alex will go to school this week, but if we see any sign of illness from Alex or anyone else, we are pulling him out.

We would hate to spend Christmas in the hospital. So, we are using hand-sanitizer every few minutes - if Alex escapes this cancer without becoming OCD about hand washing, I'll be amazed. (only half-joking...)

The doctors are nervous enough about his counts that they want to re-check on Monday to see what direction they are headed. If they are still under 750, they will halt his oral chemo for a week, and then re-assess the dosage.

It's not easy to figure out dosages for kids who are constantly growing and changing. Alex has shot up over 2 1/2 inches in the last 3 months - I'm sure his normal body chemistry is not easy to navigate with the added chaos of Chemo.

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