Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Counts Check

Alex had a quick appointment at the clinic yesterday to check his counts, since he so recently returned to full strength chemo.

The nurse accessed his Port, and drew the blood. She then flushed and locked the Port with Heparin, and de-accessed. Alex was his usual brave boy, and he told the nurse what the next step was through the whole process.

Good news. His ANC was 1,700 - slightly higher than they want (750-1,500), but good enough for the next two weeks.

Luck would have it, that the clinic received 100 - yep a whopping 100 - H1N1 shots last Friday. Unfortunately, Alex cannot get the booster short for one more week. Then, he can't get it because he is within a week of steroids, so it will be AT LEAST 3 more weeks before he can get his booster shot - and in all likelihood, the clinic will be out of them by then. Ugh - this H1N1 flu season has been a fiasco for those who really need it. Oh, but that is another post, and a different rant :-)

In the clinic we met a woman who's 6 1/2 year old was getting her very last back poke. The girl was diagnosed with a similar cancer when she was 4 - and was within weeks of saying good-bye to cancer treatment forever. I cannot put into words the joy I saw on this mom's face as she said "take care" to us, and walked her daughter back to the procedure room. I can't wait to walk in there for the last time!

We only have 16 1/2 months of treatment left. That is only 67 more Saturdays before we say "take this Port and shove it, cancer!"

I just can't wait!

Alex is back at school - and loving every minute of it - I'm so glad he is getting to be a "regular" kid so far during these holidays.

We are thankful for so many people and organizations this year who have worked so hard to save my son, and enrich his life since cancer reared it's ugly head. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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