Thursday, July 1, 2010

Steroids and Sleep

Alex is on the lovely steroids this week. He is grazing all day in the pantry and refrigerator. I'm so glad that he likes fruits and vegetables, because this kid is eating non-stop! Cheese stick, after cheese stick...then on to peaches, and plums, carrots, crackers, left-over fried chicken, apple sauce, yogurt, fish sticks, scalloped potatoes, spinach, cheerios, raisins, peanut butter, juice, water... you get the idea.

He was so excited to go play with friends today, and then promptly fell asleep in the car before we got to our destination. I carried him inside to the couch, and he slept from 1:30 to 4pm. I think his counts are crashing down from the height of his fever. I hope they only come down to the "acceptable" range of 750 - 1,500.

We aren't scheduled to go back into clinic until the end of July - so I've got all fingers and toes crossed that he stays fever-free between now and then. We dodged one hospital admission bullet - I doubt we would be that lucky twice...

1 comment:

  1. Fingers are crossed here for good counts and smooth sailing

    Love ya
