Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Counts Low - No School This Week

We had a doctors appointment today - just to check Alex's counts. His ANC is down to 100 from 500 on Friday - so no school this week, and no playing with friends outside of our house. Bummer...

His Red Blood Cells have rebounded into the normal range, although his Platelets are still quite low at 50 (normal is over 350) - so he will bleed and bruise more easily, but he doesn't need a transfusion, since the counts have increased from 15 on Friday.

We have another appointment for another dose of Vincristine on Friday - we'll see how his Platelets and ANC numbers are then...


  1. Hi Sara!! Just thinking about you guys and checking Alex's website. We'll hope for high numbers at your next appointment! We're drowning in rain down here but I'm still finding the little bit of sunshine I get every few days and sending it your way! We love you all!

  2. That is a bummer! He was so fantastic on Saturday and we just hope he is feeling OK.

    We will keep our fingers crossed that his counts are up on Friday and he can get back to school and his friends.

    Give him hugs and kisses for us!


  3. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you, and say I'm sorry I have been so absent lately. You know all the crazy family stuff going on right now...not to mention the new baby...but I'm still sorry I haven't been there for you more. Please know I'm still here if you ever want to talk. When I kick this latest sinus gunk, we'll have to get the boys together to play. Hang in there!

  4. Come on blood cells!! We are wishing all the best for you this week. Glad Alex had a BLAST on Tessa's party. Hugs to all of you while you are confined to home. If you need anything, let us know. Even if it is something silly like having donuts delivered on Sat. morning.
