Friday, February 27, 2009

The fever is still here...

101.6 - Tylenol isn't helping much. The nurses said we need to watch for cold hands and feet - it's a first sign of shock. His feet are already cold - his hands are still warm, but seem cooler to me. But I could be getting paranoid...

The doctors just came by - Alex needs a transfusion of whole blood today (red blood cells) - AND his ANC is still, we will be here until we get negative blood cultures, and he is fever free for 48 hours, and his counts start to rise - so, we'll be here until at least Sunday.

Alex didn't eat any breakfast this morning, although I did get him to eat a Popsicle and two saltine crackers. His lunch is now in front of him - but he hasn't touched any of it yet. He's hooked up to the IV for fluids, since he doesn't want to drink much either.

Alex is watching TV - and looking at "Where's Waldo?" books - not much else we can do. I think at 1:30, some volunteers will be bringing him some art supplies to play with.

Eric is trying to work from the hospital - not an easy task - but he's doing the best he can.

I'll update the blog whenever I can...

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry he is still fighting that fever and going through another transfusion. My heart is breaking for all of you!!!
    Please let me know if I can do anything for you, Eric, and the kids.

    Love to all
