Sunday, June 28, 2009

4th Trip to the ED This Month

After Alex's nap today, we headed back up to the ED, since Alex's fever returned with a vengeance. He received more antibiotics and Tylenol, and the doctor checked his ANC again (4,400!), and then sent us home. I think it was in record time at 2.5 hours total.

The suspicion is that the fever is a side effect of the Cyterabine. Since he took his last dose today, I hope that it will work through his body, and the fever will disappear.

We get to visit the Clinic tomorrow if the fever returns. Let's all cheer on Alex's body to return to a normal temperature, and save us the trip up the hill.

Good night all!

1 comment:

  1. It is so frustrating being so far away and not being able to help out, or just give you a hug. I really, really wish I could be with you guys as you go through this. But because I can't be there, all I can do is think good thoughts. So, right now I'm thinking of Alex as a polar bear. Icy cold water, cool, cool air and warm fuzzy fur keeping him the perfect temperature, cozy and comfortable. Love you all!
