Thursday, June 11, 2009

Delayed Round 2 of Delayed Intensification

After getting 5 hours of sleep, I woke up and got Tessa-Lynn and Alex ready for the day. Our friend Taegen offered to watch Tessa for the day, since this clinic appointment was scheduled as an all day affair.

We dropped Tessa off at Taegen's house, and headed back up the hill - only 7 hours after leaving there last night.

The nurse accessed his PORT for the third time in 3 days, and drew the blood for the CBC (complete blood count). She checked his vitals, and he was fever-free. HOWEVER, his ANC came back at only 400!?!? - Half of what it was only 10 hours earlier - HUH??????????

So, they aborted the Chemo for today, and will try again next week, and graciously allowed us to come home, since he did not have a fever (whew!)

The upside is that Alex gets a week off of Chemo. The downside, is that his cancer gets a week off of Chemo too...


  1. How exhausting the last few days have been! I hope you get a chance to relax this weekend. Stay away fevers!!

  2. We are thinking about you and hoping you ALL get some rest. Love you
