Sunday, June 7, 2009

An Open Letter to Cancer

I hate you, cancer. I hate you with every ounce of my being. I hate what you have done to our son, I hate that you are trying to claim his life as yours.

You have stolen some of his innocence. You have made him hurt. You have taken his energy, and his sweet personality.

I'm here to tell you, that you WON"T win this battle. Alex is strong, and even when he is tired, and hurting, he is fighting you. And he isn't fighting alone. His family is strong, and will do anything they can for this sweet boy.

You may have taken some of his childhood. But you will NOT take his life!

Go to Hell cancer - just GO TO HELL...


  1. This is the best letter to Cancer. As always, our hearts, positive thoughts, and hugs are with you guys. Of course, as usual, you left me teary eyed and lost for words. But, I wanted to let you know that I like what you have written.
    Hugs, T

  2. Word! I am praying every day. Chandler was talking about Alex yesterday. He was talking about my "bee free Allee" (Best Friend Alex). When you guys are ready I know he's wanting to play. HUGS!!!!

  3. Number one...I couldn't agree with you more about Cancer. And it will always be with a "capital C" in my head. Not that it deserves my respect...I hate it. Cancer sucks. It's taken too many of the people I love.

    Number can't have Alex. This is temporary, and he's going to kick Cancer's ass. I will do anything I can to help.

    Number has NOT taken his sweet personality and the wonderful someone that he is! As evidenced by how many kids claim Alex as their "best friend." Just this morning I asked Erik if he wanted any friends to come and play later in the week...his response (and I quote): "Alex is my best friend, so Alex should come over and play!"

    He is loved by so and adults alike. Nothing...and I mean NOTHING...will take away the amazing person that he is! There may be temporary phases of frustration, anxiety, and lethargy...but Alex is ALEX...and he always will be. In the long run, this will only serve to make him stronger and even more amazing. So, IN YOUR FACE, CANCER!!

    Love you bunches...let us know when Alex is ready to play! We'd love to have both kiddos over (and I miss hanging out with MY best girlfriend, too)!!


  4. As usual we are always thinking of you and Alex is in our prayers.

    I love your open letter to the cancer that effects so many and robs not only the victims of life but their families of the ones they love.

    I think Alex actually has one up on Mr. C. He is still the most loving, thoughtful, joyful, adventuress and amazing little boy. He will win with his spirit of life and the love of all his family and friends.

    We love you all and please let us know if you need anything.

