Thursday, June 25, 2009

May the Force Be With You...

Alex is a huge, I mean, HUGE Star Wars fan. Today when we were in the clinic for his Chemo appointment, he looked at me when the doctor came in, and said "May the force be with you". I replied "May the force be with you too"!

We had a great Chemo appointment today. After last weeks marathon (9+ hours) appointment, getting in and out in 3 hours was a breeze!

Last week, Alex had to be hydrated for 2 hours before and 4 hours after his Cytoxan Chemo. This is so the Chemo doesn't burn a hole in his bladder. He also had an lumbar puncture where the Chemo called Methotrexate is injected into his spine in order to travel up to his brain, trying to make sure that brain cancer is not in his future. We came home from that appointment with his PORT accessed so that we could administer more Chemo at home for 3 days. A new drug, Thioguanine was added to the mix this last week too. He takes that for 14 days. It is hard on the liver, so they only give it to him once during his whole two-year Chemo cycle.

For those of you interested in exactly what some of his Chemo drugs do, click the following links:

This week, Alex had another LP of Methotrexate, and Cytarabine. So, his PORT is accessed until Sunday night. He also continues to take the Thioguanine for another week.

In the Star Wars movies, the Force is a power that binds all things - I like to think that Alex's body plus the Chemo is acting like the Force, destroying his cancer, and making him whole.

May the Force be with you Alex!

As we say every night before bed: Go Away Cancer - Go Away!

1 comment:

  1. I promise you the only thing that got me through 9 miles this morning of thinking of the FORCE- and I don't even know that much about Star Wars- I just thought of you guys and knew that I would make it! So a big Thank you! Give Alex a huge hug for me.
