Friday, September 18, 2009

Light the Night

As we approach the one year anniversary of Alex's diagnosis, we have so many people and organizations to thank for the support we have received throughout this ordeal. One of those organizations is the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. They have been working tirelessly to help families like ours fight this vile disease. Twenty-five years ago, Lymphomas like Alex's were just about a death sentence - only 20% of children and their families were saved from the agony of a senseless and painful death. But now, with research funding provided by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, the tables have turned. Over 80% of children diagnosed today with T-Cell Lymphoma and many other blood cancers are cured. Not just for 5 years, but forever.

We are hopeful that our son will be part of that 80%. However, that still means 2 out of every 10 children die.

That is unacceptable.

Because you have given us so much support over the past year, and your concern for our family is so greatly appreciated, we now come to you to ask for your support of the organization that has helped our family, and so many others.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has a fundraiser every year called "Light the Night". Our family and friends have joined as a team with a goal of raising money for LLS to aid in the research to end the deaths from blood cancer. We would love to see Alex's generation as the last to loose children to blood cancers.

We know times are tough, and money is hard to part with. We wouldn't be asking if we didn't feel as strongly about this as we do. Every dollar helps.

Please click the link, and donate to LLS - we thank you with all our hearts.

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