Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A fun day

Today was a really good day.

Alex got to play with two of his good friends at Chandler's house. Connor mentioned that Alex's hair was cut real short, and after a few minutes of just getting comfortable with each other again, all three were having a blast. It was so nice to see Alex just be a 3 1/2 year old boy, playing hard, and just enjoying being a regular kid.

He told me today, "Mommy, it's after Christmas, so now can I go back to school?" I really hope so - we're just waiting for the all clear from the school that everyone has turned in their immunization records in his class.

This Friday, when we have our doctor's appointment, the social worker should be getting us the information to give to the school, on how to explain cancer to preschoolers. I can't wait to get him back to school!

Alex asks each day "So, Mommy, what do we have to take today?" - He knows all his medicine - amazing...

We had only two trips to the nice rug today - a marked improvement over previous days.

Alex is staying up with us until midnight to ring in the new year - he is remarkably alert, and in a great mood! (Tessa-Lynn made it to 9:30 before falling deep asleep).

When we ring in the new year, we will be marking only 98 more weeks until Alex's cancer treatment is done. That is 98 more Saturdays - less than 100 - we can handle that! After that 98 Saturdays, we'll need to count down another 156 Saturdays before Alex is considered "cured". So, in a total of 254 Saturdays we can breath easier...

Happy New Year Everyone!


  1. We (Haughts) are all glad that Alex can get out to see his friends!!! That must be such a happy time for him and a great joy for you and Eric.

    As Always, we are thinking of you and send our love.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Im so happy he is going to school. Another step to "Normal" I bet. I love your bravery and positive attitudes. Thank you for keeping us updated. Love to you all Debba
