Thursday, June 9, 2011

What A Big Day

Today, my daughter graduated from her 2's class in preschool. It was such a sweet program, and I am so glad she will return there next year. I am a proud mama!

Also today, I took Alex back to school. It had been almost 6 weeks since he had been there, and the look on his classmates faces when they saw him was priceless! The kids followed him around the classroom all did my heart good to see how many lives Alex has touched.

The most amazing part of the day, was watching this video put together by his class. I have said it before, and I will say it again, we live in an fantastic community, and we are so grateful for the love shown to all of us.

Whether or not I have said it individually to all of you, THANK YOU for your kindness, and your support of our family.

Alex has been playing in the afternoon with the neighborhood kids. It is bittersweet to see him playing, knowing how sick he really is. We are going to get through this, so Alex can grow up here and have fond memories of playing in our court on these long summer nights.


  1. Happy to hear things are getting back to some sort of normalcy. Joelle and I were talking today, and she's going to have all the kids Tues. and Thurs. mornings this summer. If kids/adults are healthy, we'll need to get them all together! Chandler cannot wait to see his buddies!!

  2. Sweetest video EVER! I love it. What a great bunch of classmates, teachers, and staff. And I'm super-excited to hear he is able to get back into his classroom for a few days to finish up Kindergarten in person. Yay, Alex!!

  3. that video is incredible... who did it? LOVE CFT!!! I had no idea that he was out playing. that is great. you must be so happy... I know the battle isn't over - far from it... but what a great feeling it must be to be home. We want to come play too. Much love!
