Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Time To Cut The Hair

I can't write anything right now, my heart hurts too much...


  1. ((HUGE HUGS!!)) Your boys are very handsome, both before and after their haircuts! LOVE YOU!

  2. I'm thankful you wrote something... have been thinking of you so much... So, am assuming you are home? Can we do anything? thoughts, prayers ... DAILY... Much love! Warriors... all of you

  3. And there are no words that need spoken...

    We love you...

  4. the most beautiful babies!! the most beautiful love, pure, special. team work

  5. You have such a beautiful family. Eric looks so much like John, It thrills my heart to see him. I pray for you daily and send blessings your way. These are some of the sweetest pictures ever. Love to all. Please God touch this family with you grace. Claudia

  6. Hi Sara. It's Bryn (from 10S). I just found your blog through a mutual friend. I am glad I can follow Alex's journey more closely now. Thank you for sharing!

  7. I hope you find comfort in knowing how many people love you...
    Grammie Gale

  8. Just a thought.....for those that want to do something...and maybe live far away, you can give blood in Alex’s name. For those that ask what they can do....just think of something you would like and do it. Because most likely folks that find themselves in a place of needing support...often times don't have the wherewithal to think of what they need, as they are pulled in so many directions......and most of the time they will simply not ask. So like Nike says....just do it!! Sara...we here at Solo W-2 send our LOVE to you all!!

  9. To your wonderful family and especially Alex:

    The Pacific Crest Team-in-Training Group is heading to Sunriver for our race this weekend, and we will not swim a stroke, pedal once, or run a step without sending our love and good energy to you all. You have inspired us, amazed us and given us more than a reason to work to raise money to eradicate blood cancer. We will work for a cure until there is one.

    Love you!

    Michele and the team

  10. In adding to Michele's comment, there were also three TnT folks (guys) that shaved their heads for the race in honor of the TNT mission and research. So there will be three Alexes out there, and the rest of us will be thinking about him all weekend!

