Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day +14

Two weeks... it is hard to believe.

Two weeks ago we knew Alex's new cells were in the building, but not sure when they would start the transplant.

Two weeks ago, I was a nervous wreck.

I guess some things don't change. I still worry *a lot*.

Alex has had nose bleeds every night. They usually take at least 20 minutes to subside. It happened again last night, and his platelets weren't that low (considering). So, we transfused again.

I don't know exactly what a first grader should be learning, and I am feeling a whole lot of pressure to keep him engaged in education, but not force it, so that he ends up resenting it. I will keep going just day to day, and hopefully, we will have an easy transition back to school at some point.

Alex is at hospital school right now, so I have a moment to type an update. The doctors came by, and said that Alex is doing really well. He only has a couple of sores on his bottom, and some intestinal issues, and still doesn't want to eat. But, that is all expected at this point. He seems to have avoided needing steroids, which is good.

Yesterday his feet started "burning up". He was just standing up, with socks on, and started jumping from foot to foot, yelping "hot, hot...ouch"! He tore off the socks, sat on the bed, and demanded ice packs. The nurse promptly brought one for each foot. Alex let out a huge sigh of relief.

I was quite perplexed by this, until I spoke with some of the staff that said it is common for the kiddos to report major heat on their feet and hands during engraftment. No one knows why. I am taking it as a good sign, that his new cells are doing their job.

The doctors just came in, and said that Alex is not using the morphine button very much, so they are going to start lowering the dose, and weaning him off of it, and on to oral medications.

Doctor Stork said that with his current trend, she wouldn't be too surprised if he was ready to be discharged around day 20... *say what?!?* Yup - day 20. A lot can change between then and now, so while we will start working on getting the house ready for him to come home, I am not convinced it will be that day. But, as we know with Alex...he always surprises us!

Oh...and we are out of isolation!

1 comment:

  1. YAY for being out of isolation! And home on day 20!? Wow! I am sure that's just another bit of stress! If you need anything, you know where to find me! Glad he's able to go to school, and it's nice you have a brief break to blog. Hugs!!
