Monday, September 12, 2011

Day Minus 1

Today is a day of rest. No radiation, no Chemo, just prepatory medications to make sure his body is ready to receive the bone marrow tomorrow.

This morning, somewhere in the world, a total stranger walked into her doctor's office, and voluntarily allowed surgeons to put her under, and drill over one hundred tiny holes in her hip bones to extract her bone marrow. Then, a courier, another total stranger took this marrow, and jumped on a plane headed towards Portland. We know it wasn't a direct flight, and it wasn't until about 2pm before we knew that this transporter of life saving marrow, had made the major connections, and we were told that the marrow would definitely be here by the morning.

The hospital here will process it, and then hang it like a blood transfusion tomorrow between noon and 3pm.

I am just in awe that Alex's cure is in the air, on a plane...flying to us as I type this...what an amazing world we live in...what amazing advances in science, and cooperations between nations that are allowing our son the chance to live a LONG and full life...cancer free.

There is a long road to recovery...but once that marrow drips into his veins, and finds it's new home in Alex's bones, the days start counting up... new days, a new beginning...a new birthday... good night everyone...

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Little Warrior, I'm thinking about you and sending the best of luck.
    Love you, Carlen
