Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Line In The Sand

Since it was obvious that school work was non-negotiable, Alex waited until 10 pm to draw a new taking pills.

Much yelling, and body flailing ensued. A nurse came in, and between the two of us, it took me holding Alex down, with my legs over his, one arm holding him arms, and one arm holding his forehead, and the nurse opening his mouth, and shoving the spoon with the medicine in it to get the two tiny pills down.

It was as complicated, and horrible as that last sentence.

Alex fell asleep soon afterwards, but me, I am still shaking, and crying from it all.

Cancer sucks.


  1. Ugh! Yes, Cancer sucks! I can't imagine how hard he fights and how much [more] it breaks your heart to have to give him the medicine by force. Huge hugs!!!

  2. Cancer does Suck!
    You are being a wonderful mother, you are trying to save his life. Now that is unconditional love! He will recognize it one day. Keep up the good work Sara...
    Grammie Gale

  3. I read your heartfelt/heart wrenching journal entries and I'm left speechless. What can I say to you that hasn't already been said? Nothing.
    The last thing I want to do is trivialize his plight with something generic or fluffy. So here goes:
    You are a wonderful mother. I am amazed by your strength (physical and emotional). Alex goes beyond superhero status. I picture him in a comic book strip battling evil demons with a sword and shield, and eventually, declaring victory!
    Someone told me once that everything is temporary. If that helps at all...I send you strength from the bottom of my heart Sara and I think of you and your little boy, Alex often. Your entire family is putting up an incredible fight. Please give Alex a hug for me. He has gained another fan/supporter and admirer.
    Emily Kroll

  4. Dear Sara,
    Emily put everything I was thinking and feeling into words so eloquently. All I can add is that I also think about you and your family often. My dad is going through cancer treatments as well and I really can't imagine how hard this must be see your sweet, precious baby dealing with this. Thank you for sharing your struggle and your fight with us. I know that you will all come out the other side so much stronger and closer. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your sweet Alex.
    Erin Bailey

  5. I can't say much either. I just wish I could take it all away from you, Cousin. I admire you so much. Stay strong, I know you will. And when you can't and need to cry, just cry. I wish I could be there to offer my shoulder. Thank you for your honest transparency as we read along with you on your journey. You are an inspiration. Hugs to you! ~Mel

  6. Sending you love, Sara...stay strong. Alex knows you love him. He needs to know you will always want and do what is best for him. Sometimes kids react, but ultimately they grow and respond better when they know they are consistently loved and treated fairly. Alex is amazing...he learns strength from you!

    Sharing your tears,
