Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ding Dong - We're Going Home!

Doctor just came in - we are checking out in about an hour!!!!


  1. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!!!!!

    Hugs and kisses, have a safe drive home and go love on your kids!!!!

  2. Glad that you are headed home - We have all been thinking of you...Connor asks about Alex daily - HE has been asking to play with Alex again - but I said he needed to feel better first - HE said to take him to "see Daddy's nurses" out of the mouths of babes:) Glad things are getting back to "normal" a little bit for you. LEt me know if you need anything - I am still around - at least for a few more days:)

    Joelle and clan:)

  3. Yay! Thank goodness! :) I'm glad he is on the rebound - now hopefully it stays that way.

    Love, Lisa

  4. There's no place like home.
    There's no place like home.
    There's no place like home.........
