Friday, March 6, 2009

Ear Infection and Fever

"You've got to be kidding, right?"


Just 4 days after getting out of the hospital, Alex started complaining that his left ear was hurting. We gave him some Oxycodon (no Tylenol - it can mask a fever), and ate dinner. He didn't eat much, and wanted to sit on my lap for some "mommy time". Then, he started getting warmer, and more lethargic - oh, no...

I started taking his temperature every 5 minutes, and watched it steadily rise to the dreaded 100.4 threshold.

Since his ANC had only been 100 on Tuesday, we knew we would be asked to go to the Emergency Department (ED). So, at 7pm, I made the call, and my heart sank as the doctor told us to pack our things, we would most likely get admitted, and get to the ED right away.

We decided that Eric would stay with Tessa-Lynn, and I would take Alex up the hill.

I really like the new Doerenbecher ED - it is bright and cheery, and if you have to be in an ED, it's the place to be. BUT, the nurse who accessed Alex's Port did a *really* poor job. I know she doesn't do it all the time, like the clinic nurses, but man, she really messed up. First, she took 5 minutes to open the "access" supply bag, and then LEFT THE ROOM for 15 minutes - while Alex had to sit there and look at it - raising his already high anxiety level. Then, she puts the needle in, and can't get a blood return, so she starts WIGGLING the needle in his Port! Alex is whimpering on my lap, and I'm about ready to loose it! Finally, after a gruelling 5 minutes, she finally gets the blood draw to check his counts.

Unlike the clinic, which has it's own CBC machine, the blood from the ED must go to the central OHSU lab for processing. So, Alex and I tried our best to entertain ourselves while we waited, and waited...

Then, the doctor came in, and checked out Alex's ear - and sure enough, he has an ear infection! He gave Alex some Tylenol for the fever. Then, we waited and waited some more...

Guess What?

Alex's ANC was 1,300!!! The nurse gave Alex some antibiotics, and a prescription for Amoxicilin, and the doctor told us we could go home. Alex said "you have to de-access my Port first!" - The doctor chuckled, and offered Alex a job :-)

I carried Alex in from the car blissfully asleep at 11:30 last night.

It's good to be home...


  1. Oh my word!!! I am so happy that Alex's counts are so high. WOW- he has FOUR digits. Although I know going to the hospital sucked, finding out how high his numbers were must have made you proud and relieved. An ear infection sucks, on top of everything else. Like Alex really needs that. What jerks those germs are. :)
    Okay, as always, hugs to all of you and I wish a great day,

  2. First of all, I am SO glad you didn't have to be admitted again. Secondly, I am just appalled by what he had to go through at the ED...makes me want to cry! He's such a trooper. Thirdly...YIPPEEE! about his ANC. That is fantastic!!

    Wish we could see you, but it will have to wait until we are done with this stupid virus. Just know I'm thinking of you all!

