Friday, March 27, 2009

A "Routine" Chemo Appointment

Today, Alex had a Chemo appointment. He was thrilled to hear that he didn't have to get the leg pokes (PEG Asparaganaise). Today, he got Vincristine and Methotrexate through his PORT - plus some Zofran because the Methotrexate can make him nauseaus. He was in a jolly mood, since his Chemo Pal, Taylor was there with him.

They put together a helicopter during the appointment, hardly stoping when the nurse accessed his PORT.

It was good to see Alex in such high spirits!

His counts were really good - his ANC was 1200 - down a bit from 10 days ago, but still high enough that we don't need to restrict any of his activities, which is good since he has two birthday parties to attend tomorrow (his friend Chandler, and his birth-brother Ayden).

Alex's imagination is just taking off, and we are having great times here at home fighting Droids (from Star Wars - Clone Wars). He runs around wearing his 49ers helmet, and a "blaster" he made from tinker-toys - it's good to see him act like a typical "almost" 4 year old! The funny part, is that our daughter, Tessa-Lynn who is just 13 months old, just started walking, and now grabs toys, and makes "blaster" noises (pshew pshew) just like her big brother - oh, boy (er, girl).

The doctors have told us that as the 10 day intervals for Chemo treatments continue in this new phase (Delayed Intensification), the amount of chemo will increase, which will eventually drop his counts again, and we'll be back on "alert" for fevers that could land us back in the hospital. So, for now, we are enjoying the high counts, and the "freedom" it gives us to be a more "normal" family.

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