Monday, March 16, 2009

Doctors Appointment

Today, Alex had a doctors appointment - and boy, did he NOT want to go! After a few weeks of sparse visits, he was not ready to return to the routine (which after tomorrow will be approximately every 10 days).

After I finally got him dressed and out the door, he seemed to change his mind-set, and he was talking about taking the Tram up the hill. We had time, so I parked down by the river, put him in the stroller, and up, up, and away we flew to the hospital.

Alex said that after his appointment, he wanted to get something at the gift shop for Tessa-Lynn. He is so thoughtful, and considerate - he didn't want anything for himself, just something for her. I've been told that childhood cancer survivors are some of the greatest, most empathetic human beings - as his mother, I know I'm biased, but I see that in him already, and we still have another 20 months of treatment.

To be honest, I am exhausted today. I fell asleep in the waiting room, and again while Alex was getting his Lumbar Puncture (LP). After the doctor woke me up to tell me everything was fine, the nurse hooked Alex up to the IV, and gave him his Vincristine and Methotrexate. Soon after, we were able to go home and eat (Alex hadn't eaten anything since 7am). But first, Alex reminded me that we needed to stop in the gift shop. He found a super soft stuffed animal kitty for her. When Tessa-Lynn woke up from her nap after we got home, Alex gave her the kitty, and she gave him the biggest smile! He's such a super big brother! When Eric got home from work, I immediately fell asleep while Eric watched the kids and made dinner (I know, I know, I have the best husband ever!) After dinner, I had a preschool meeting to go to, so again, Eric watched the kids while I went.

When I got home, Alex told me that he missed me, and loved me, and gave me a hug - there is no better feeling in the whole world!

Tomorrow, Alex has school, and then the dreaded PEG shots in his thighs at 3pm. He's amazing - we talk about the shots, and he says he doesn't like them, but he knows he has to have them. He is wise way beyond his years! I think I learn something new from him everyday.

The kids are asleep - I think I'll take the hint, and go to bed now too.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on your journey....after reading your post, I have bitter sweet tears in my eyes.
