Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Drat & Double Drat!

His ANC is 60 - yep - SIXTY - he's confined to his room - drat & double drat.

Now we wait for rounds to talk to the doctor to see about a transfusion, and when he can go home, and if tomorrow's scheduled Chemo treatment needs to be put off a week...

The morning nurse is contacting the Volunteers to see about bringing activities into the room for him to do today - it's going to be a long day...


  1. Darnitt!!!! Darnitt!!!! I am so happy you have the support group right there at the hospital. We are thinking about you guys and sending positive vibes up the hill through Alex's window. I hope the day brings positive news.
    Hugs to all of you, T

  2. 60, when i first looked at it I thought 600, but 60 wow. You two are wonderful parents and so strong. We love you very much.
    Love Grammie Gale and Grandpa Johne

  3. Sara,

    My positive thoughts and well wishes are with you all. This new normal sucks! I wish we could make this all go away. You have incredible strength and courage. Remember we are all here for you in thoughts and deeds.

    Love Deb and Sarah
