Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Morning Thoughts from the Hospital

Yesterday, while Alex was napping in his room, Eric and I went to a Parent Support group meeting here at the hospital. Wow...we are just at the beginning of this process, and we were really able to re-frame our situation. Some of the parents there were dealing with terminal children - others with brain tumors, and 6 months of hospital stay. It doesn't diminish our pain of watching Alex go through this, it just reminds us that we all have our trials, and we are not alone in this struggle to cure cancer.

He's sleeping right now - the nurse just finished administering his antibiotics. She already drew his blood for his labs. I'm just waiting to hear what his ANC and blood count numbers are. If his ANC drops below 500 (it was 600 yesterday), he may have to wear a mask to leave his room, or if the number is too low, he might be quarantined to his room - ugh (insert word of your choice here). His white blood cell number went down to 1.0 from 1.3 yesterday (normal healthy is 4.5-10). His hematocrit and hemoglobin numbers are down too - so we may be in for another transfusion today. Unfortunately, this transfusion would be done while Alex is awake, so he will have to be hooked up to the dreaded IV pole for hours - double ugh.

As soon as the CBC (Complete Blood Count) is complete, I'll update the blog. As long as he doesn't spike a fever, the results of the CBC will determine when we get to go home.

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