Friday, January 9, 2009

Meeting Alex's Chemo Pal

Yesterday, I woke up with a feeling of dread and excitement.

Dread, because Alex had a lumbar puncture at 3pm, which meant he couldn't eat anything after 9am, and his appetite has *really* reduced lately. I was afraid I wasn't going to get enough food in him for breakfast to hold him over until 3:30, when he could finally eat.

Excitement, because Alex was going to school again, and he was going to meet his Chemo Pal for the first time (a volunteer who commits to being Alex's pal for the duration of his treatment).

Well, Alex wasn't hungry at breakfast - he had about 1/3 of an apple, and a few bites of Cheerios - I offered pancakes, waffles, eggs, sausage, you name it - he didn't want it...ugh!

School was good, although a few of the kids kept commenting on his lack of hair - I don't know if Alex heard it or not. I'm sure I'm overreacting but I worry about other kids acting differently around him...I hope over time, he'll just be one of the kids again...

I was in the classroom again, and took pictures of the class, and watched Alex (to make sure he didn't eat anything). After class, we headed up to the Hospital. Alex was really upset that he couldn't eat anything, but was soon distracted by a trip up the hill in the tram.

We met Alex's new Chemo Pal, Taylor. She is really sweet, and Alex warmed up to her pretty quick. She plays the Wii also, so Alex thought that was cool . She had a bag of toys to play with, and we had fun while we waited for our appointment.

Once Alex's name was called, he turned into a grumpy-pants again - and did his weight and height and vitals while sulking. He even climbed under the table when the nurse came in to access his Port. While trying to get him out from under the bed, I climbed under the bed, and got stuck - Taylor, the nurse and my laughing broke the tension in the room, and Alex sat on my lap on the floor, and the nurse was able access the Port. After that was done, and we were waiting for his blood counts, and the doctor, we played games (blowing up nursing gloves to make Turkey balloons), and taking a trip to the toy box for some silly puddy. Alex showed Taylor the playroom, and then how to play a video game.

The nurse gave him his Vincristine into his Port while Taylor and Alex played. He wasn't too happy to go to the procedure room, so I carried him in, with Taylor following us. She watched as Alex was given the "sleepy milk", and then Taylor and I went back to our room to wait.

While the doctors were doing the LP of Methotrexate, they also did the two shots of Asparaganaise in his thighs, so he wouldn't have to be awake for it. We were told to come back to the procedure room, and Alex slept for 1 1/2 hours. Taylor was there the whole time - it was great. Finally, he woke up, and we headed back to the tram. Alex didn't want to eat anything except McDonald's (how can I say no, after not having any food all day). Alex agreed that it would be good to meet with Taylor again - she's going to try and find more "Cars" and "Star Wars" stuff to bring along with the Thomas the train stuff she brought this time.

Eric and I are just thrilled with the support that we have received from the Children's Cancer Association, and *all* of the staff and volunteers at Doerenbecher. It's nice to know Alex will have a new friend who will be "safe" - no pokes, no medicine, just play.

His counts were great - his ANC was 2700 - and no sign of a fever - he's doing great!

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