Friday, May 6, 2011

Going Home...

We got word today that Alex will be going home today (after 5pm)!

They are "topping him off" with a unit of hemoglobin before we go, so he can hopefully make it until his Monday clinic appointment without a transfusion over the weekend.

Yesterday, he received a unit of platelets, which we hope take him until Monday too.

Hi spirit is up, and his color is good. The awful bruises are fading away. We laughed a lot last felt so good!

This last week was a blur - I cannot even tell you what we did from day to day. All I know, is that Alex got a whole lot of chemo, which has taken his white cell count from 90,000 (normal is 5,000- 10,000) down to 200 today. Since those remaining white blood cells are most likely leukemic, he essentially has no immune system.

We have to be so careful right now, his body can't fight off infection. Lots of hand washing, and hand sanitizer is a must. Unfortunately, we will have to screen his visitors to make sure that he isn't exposed to something that might seem mild to a healthy person, but could be disastrous for my immune-suppressed son.

This weekend, we are just going to lay low, and look at having visitors next week. This is the hard part - he is going to want to play with all his friends, and we will just have short play dates for at least 3 weeks.

Looking at the calendar, it seems that if all goes well, Alex will be able to attend the last two weeks of school (crossing fingers and toes). In the meantime, the hospital has given us a kit called "There is a monkey in my chair". The program provides a big stuffed monkey that will sit in Alex's chair at school, until he can come back. The kit also includes a disposable camera, a photo book, and journal so the kids at school can take pictures, and send them to Alex in the kit's backpack. There is also a book to read to the kids, and a teacher's guide. Alex's teacher was so excited when she saw the kit today. Alex has such a sweet class, and she knows they will really love the monkey! His classmates don't want any other kid to sit in Alex's chair, so the monkey will sit there instead. Next year, we hope to get Alex placed in a first grade classroom with many of his friends from this year. That way, they can keep the tradition of the monkey alive until Alex can come back, which will probably be January 2012.

I also wanted to say "thank you" to all of you who have taken Alex into your heart. It means so much to us, that our amazing boy is loved by so many!


  1. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Love you guys! -Krissi

  2. That is wonderful news! And the monkey kit sounds like such a great idea to help with the transition and keeping Alex in touch with all his friends.
    Hugs to all of you.

  3. That's great! I am glad he'll be able to finish school! And the Monkey sounds like a great program. Did Alex get Chandler's email? Glad you guys are able to go home. Have a great Mother's day!

  4. Glad you are home now.... Your family has been on my heart constantly. I admire you and your strength greatly. Tyler prays for Alex and we pray along with him. Thanks for keeping us posted with all the details. I hope you can get some rest... Cousin hugs, Melanie

  5. Love the blog!! It makes me miss Alex more and I hope and pray he will be able to make it to the last few days of school!! In the meantime, the monkey is keeping Alex's chair warm in hopes that he will be in it soon! Love you guys!

    Mrs. Pelser
