Sunday, May 1, 2011

Port or Picc...

Many of you may remember, that I promised Alex that if his cancer came back, that I would advocate for a Port right away, so he wouldn't have to have a Picc line put in his arm. I hoped that I wouldn't have to make good on that promise, because he would never have cancer again.

I was so very wrong.

Eric and I are working with the doctors to get Alex a Port right away. Because of his blood cells, the surgeons want to consult before they move forward.

We are shell shocked over his diagnosis, and are dumbfounded over the change in the diagnosis from T-cell to B-cell leukemia. Does this mean that he didn't relapse? Does it mean he did?

Until we get the chromosome tests back about what possibly is going on with his body...we will start treatment as "high risk leukemia - B-cell ALL". We will be in the hospital for at least 5 days, and after that...I don't know.

We will know more in the coming days/weeks, and will update you all with more information as soon as we know something new.

Thank you all for your kind words - it means so much to me that there are so many Warriors out there - helping Alex beat cancer once and for all...

Alex is laying down quietly chanting..."cancer sucks...I hate cancer...cancer sucks...I hate cancer..." Such strong words from such a young boy - but truer words, I have never heard...


  1. I don't want to bug you, but I have almost picked up the phone. I know you guys are busy, but just know I want to call, and know you need to be with Alex and the doctors.

    Please let me know if there is anything we can do. This morning at Church, Chandler said a prayer for Alex during Sunday school, telling his friends that his buddy is sick again. There were lots of well wishes for you guys. HUGS!!!

  2. Sara,
    Words can't describe what I am feeling for Alex and your entire family. I would love to bring you dinner while you are at Doernbecher. Let me know if there what night works for you and if there are any allergies.

    Jen Drew (Erin Drew's mom, who just completed tx for ALL)

  3. Sara
    I will get CFT on board. The neighborhood too. We all love you guys so much. Let me know what I can do for YOU. I am so sorry and love you all so much!
    Amy and Ellie

  4. Sara,

    Hi, this is Carly from the Pacific Crest TNT team. I just wanted to remind you that we are here for you. An entire heard of fifty-plus crazy triathletes, training and fundraising with Alex's epic battle seeded deep in our hearts driving us every step of the way.

    Also, I personally want to offer my time to your family if there are any nagging tasks that I can take care of to allow you to focus on tending to Alex. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need help with babysitting, cooking, errands, etc. I would be truely honored to be granted the opportunity to provide you some relief.

    May peace be with you as the details of his diagnosis are unveiled and the journey continues. We love you!

    Carly van Aart
