Sunday, May 15, 2011


It has been a few days since I have posted here. It is hard to know what to say right now. All I want to do, is fall on the floor, kick my feet, and scream at the top of my lungs.

Alex has cancer again. Once was bad enough...but twice?!? With a combination of cancers that haven't been documented in any science journals?!? The cure caused the secondary cancer - what the hell?!?

My hands are shaking just thinking about this.

On Friday, Alex looked at me with those soulful eyes, and told me:

"Mom, I'm going to do my best not to die".

What the hell am I supposed to say to that?!? Why should a six year old have to comfort his mother?!?

I swallowed my sorrow, looked him in the eyes, and said "we'll work on that together"


  1. We are all working on that with him also... Fight, fight, fight !!!

  2. Strong words from such a little guy. Wow. I am so sorry that you are you going through this again. Alex, you, Erik, Tessa. And that he is being robbed of his childhood. That he even has those words in his head. We think of you always. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Much love. Amy (and Ellie)

  3. He is amazing. But you know that. XOXO

  4. Words that should not be said by a little boy or heard by his Mother. You are both so brave just to make it through that moment. The whole family is amazing to make it through this.

  5. I don't even know what to write except that we are thinking about you guys. Other than what has been offered I wish there was something I could do for you.

    -Scott (Rebekah's Daddy)

  6. I don't know what to say, either...but please ALWAYS know you aren't alone in this battle. Alex has a whole team of warriors (and amazing doctors and scientists) on his side! He already beat lymphoma, and I believe he will beat leukemia, too. He's an awesome kid and you're a great mom. Love you!!

  7. No parents should have to hear those words, and no child should feel a need to say them.I can't imagine how you feel. It broke my heart. I pray for all of you everyday.You are all true warriors. My heart and prayers are with you.

  8. Sara -- Please know that there are MANY of us out here sending you emotional support with thoughts and prayers. It's not much, but hopefully it helps.

  9. Those words shock me to the core. He should be thinking about what toy he cant get not worrying about cancer. He should be thinking about that trick he wants to learn and land on that new skate board.
    How dare cancer rob him of his innocent wants, tantrums, fights with his sister, and the normal six year old frights of moving on to the big boy class at school. CANCER SUCKS!!!!
