Monday, May 30, 2011


We are able to control Alex's pain with Oxycodon and Morphine. We had hoped that today the doctors would remove his chest tube. Unfortunately, his white cells started to climb, which meant that he had inflamation which delays the tube removal. After a chest x-ray this morning showed that Alex's chest cavity was clear, the surgeons ordered his chest tube sealed. However, by the afternoon, Alex was hurting, and a second x-ray confirmed some build up in his chest cavity. So, the doctors ordered his chest tube back to suction.

If we get behind on the pain medication, our brave Alex starts to whimper from the pain. Breathing still hurts, as we try to expand his lungs by having him blow bubbles. Today is better than yesterday, which was better than the day before. We are hopeful that tomorrow's chest x-ray will allow the chest tube to be sealed, and that a second x-ray will confirm that he is stable. Once that happens, the doctors will remove the chest tube. I have been told it is like taking out an IV needle. Alex is nervous about it, so anti-anxiety medication will be administered well before hand.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, and with chemo and a bone marrow aspiration on Wednesday, I'm not sure when we will get to go home.

We have been here two weeks...I just want us all to go home.


  1. We want you all home, too, Sara.....
    *much love* Amanda

  2. I'm with Alex, this sucks! Hoping that you can go home soon too.

  3. I want you to be able to go home, too. I was just thinking this morning about how Erik's kindergarten graduation is two weeks from tomorrow, and I find myself getting frustrated for you and for Alex. He should not be in a hospital bed with a tube coming out of his chest. Alex should be finishing up his last two weeks of kindergarten, too. I am so angry for you; angry at cancer and angry at the things it is stealing from Alex. Wish there were something I could do besides just saying I'm here for you. I can only hope that, since yesterday was better than the day before...and that was, in turn, better than the day before that, that each day will keep getting better, and Alex will be that much closer to healing and going home!! Love you!! xo
