Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Little Green Button

Alex's IV pole is getting full. The saline drip, the antibiotics, and the anti-fungal medications have been joined by the morphine contraption with a green button. The morphine in fact, is not even enough. The doctors have him on oxycodon every 4 hours too.

Every 10 minutes, this contraption allows Alex to have a dose of morphine, with one condition. The nurse has to push the glowing green button. When Alex is hurting, we have to call the front desk (as we are in isolation), have the front desk find his nurse, have the nurse "gown up", have the nurse record the dose, and THEN push the green button.

This maneuver can take upwards of 10 minutes, which seem like hours to my little guy. Those of you who know Alex personally, know he doesn't like to take medication, and is very stoic, with a high pain threshold. The fact that he is asking for morphine every 15 minutes or so, tells you how uncomfortable he is.

I feel so helpless. The green button is right there...I could push it to give him the relief from his pain, but I'm "not authorized" to push the button. I don't see a retina scanner, or fingerprint pad on this green button, yet to push it would be against hospital policy. It glows at me, reminding me that I cannot take the pain away from him. Mommy kisses aren't enough this time.


  1. Just wanted to say, again, that you're all in my thoughts. It's so hard when Mommy kisses aren't enough.

  2. Still thinking of you here in New Zealand. You can put a pin in Christchurch for your map, which is my city - that's if New Zealand is on your map (sometimes they leave us out!) Our hospital was planning to build a new child cancer unit, which is really needed as it gets very overcrowded. Everyone was really excited until we had a massive earthquake and the land the hospital is on is not good. They have put plans on hold now, but at least the old cancer unit is not damaged. Treatment is free here in NZ, which is a blessing. Lisa, Christchurch, New Zealand.
